Labor Law

The Mark Bamberger Law Co. LLC, is at the forefront of workers’ compensation and labor law. We seek to maintain a continued high level of skill and knowledge in this complex and ever-changing area of case law. We are dedicated to the highest level of client satisfaction and will guide you through your workers’ compensation and labor dispute case. Contact our experienced Ohio personal injury attorneys at The Mark Bamberger Law Co. LLC and call us at (877) 644-8181.

Every Ohio employer is legally required to provide workers’ compensation insurance for its employees. This insurance covers past and future medical expenses and lost wages.

We evaluate our client’s claim to assess its legitimacy and determine compensation. We retain superb medical and economic experts who guide our attorneys in evaluating claims.

We handle claims for any type of workplace injury, including fractures, lost limbs, spinal injuries, lacerations, head injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive stress injuries, and injuries caused by other employees or equipment. We have significant experience handling claims against private industry, federal, state and local government employers and their workers’ compensation insurers. We deal with issues involving defenses, fraud, subrogation, and appeals.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact the experienced workers’ compensation attorneys of The Mark Bamberger Law Co. LLC by callingl us at (877) 644-8181.

1 Comment

  • Mark,I have a question: I have a new boss at my work and to me what he’s doing is so wrong…I believe he’s trying to get rid of people like me that makes more than min wage but he ‘s hiring people and bring in his own people ,letting them transfer to our store and giving them our hours meanwhile I been there since the store opened,actually since 1998.Anyway,was wondering can her cut fulltime hours back from  say 37 to 31 or 17 hours a week and still hire,give our hours away to other people that came from another store.Alot of us are very upset.My other boss left for arizona.What can I do.Were all thinking about getting afew of us together and trying for a union.Can you please tell me what to do.I myself cannot lose my job,for brian’s sake.Thank you sir for listening to me,hopefully we can get together and  find out what I get do.
                                             Mrs.Brian Murphy ( Carrie )

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