Competent DUI / OVI Lawyers
If you or a family member are currently facing a Driving While Intoxicated charge, you may require the specific expertise of a competent DUI lawyer to guide you carefully through the drunk driving judicial process.

Drunk driving, DUI, and DWI are common words in our every day speech, which should tell us about the extent of this growing problem. DUI defense council will tell you that the term drunk driving has many official names including, DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), DUII (Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants), OMVI (Operating Motor Vehicle Intoxicated), and OUI (Operation Under the Influence), and similar acronyms OWI, DUIL, DWUI. For our use going forward, DUI (Driving Under the Influence) will be used. Thankfully, you’ve found the legal professionals to assist you through your DUI proceedings.
Skilled DUI Attorney
Certainly, hiring an experienced DUI lawyer is your best decision and ought to be your first move after being charged with this crime. DUI is a serious infraction in the State of Ohio with extreme consequences for everyone involved including drivers and victims. Each year in the United States an estimated half million people are injured in DUI-related highway crashes, costing taxpayers over $122 billion dollars.
Your DUI lawyer should be expertly familiar with all the intricacies and nuances involved with DUI offenses in the State of Ohio. As a DUI offender may face immediate loss of their driving privileges, vehicle impoundment, fines, house arrest or prison time due to drunk driving accusations. The Mark Bamberger Law Co., LLC defends dozens of DUI cases each year, let us help you through yours.
Take action now!
If you have been charged with a DUI , preparation, knowledge, and an excellent DUI attorney are among your best defenses. If you have been charged in a Miami County or Montgomery County court of law, the law offices of Mark Bamberger offers a number of capable and experienced DUI attorney to defend you.
Contact Mark Bamberger today at (877) 644-8181. Don’t let your DUI get out of control or out of hand. We can help!!
Our offices are located at 140 E. Broadway Ave. in Tipp City, Ohio. We also have an office in West Chester at 9077 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 450 and in Downtown Enon at 41 E. Main St.